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Cawood Sword (12th cen) |
Swords were often given fanciful names like Brynjubítr ('byrnie-biter') and Kettlingr ('kitten'), as were other weapons. However, the Viking folk also had their own names for the component-parts of their weapons and an examination of these age-worn words can often shed surprising light into the murky world of the Northern warrior.
(* Use of the word "Viking" in this article refers to the Scandinavian or Norse peoples of the Viking Age spanning the late 8th to 11th centuries.)
The Sword
The Old Norse term for sword is sverð (sverth). Here, I will use this term to refer only to the typical two-edged sword, wielded in one hand. The etymology is via Proto Germanic *swerdan from *swertha-, lit. "the cutting weapon," from the Proto-Indo-European root *swer- "to cut." There also exists the term hjörr denoting a sword. (Cognate with Old English heoru)

Tangi should be accepted as the Old Norse term for the sword-tang.
As in Old English, the word edge (egg) is unquestionable. There is also the term egg-teinn, meaning “edge-twig” for the steel cutting edge of the sword.
There is no clear name for the fuller in Old Norse. There is, however, the word refill, usually glossed as tapestry. Davidson suggests that this word could denote a narrow band of pattern-welding. Similarly, the word blódrefill might also denote the central part of the blade, despite its usual identification as the sword-point.
Miðfáinn (ornamented in the centre) refers to the pattern showing in the centre of the blade and fiskhryggr (fish-back) most likely refers to the classic ‘herringbone’ pattern.
The Sword-Hilt.
The viking term was hjalt. Used in the singular, it would seem to mean the handle of the sword or sax. However when used in the plural (hjölt) the ‘hilts’ always designated the hilt of a true sword, where there was a distinct upper and lower guard.
The upper guard / pommel was often termed the efra hjaltit (uppermost hilt) whereas the lower guard was termed the fremra hjaltit (formost hilt).
“Sigrúnar skaltu kunna, ef þú vilt sigr hafa, ok rísta á hjalti hjörs, sumar á véttrimum, sumar á valböstum, ok nefna tysvar Tý.”
Sig-runes thou must know, if thou wilt have victory, (my translation)
and cut them on thy sword-hilt; some on the hilt-ring
Some on the pommel-ring, and invoke thou Tyr twice.
Eigg Sword Hilt, (9th cen) |
The grip, the area of the hilt between the hilts was called, not unreasonably, the meðal-kafli (middle piece)
The pommel-cap or knob was referred to as the knappr or klót.
The Scabbard.
There are several words listed in dictionaries as meaning scabbard.
In terms of scabbard fittings, I have been unable to track down a proven name for the metal top-mount or throat or indeed the scabbard-slide. It is possible, however, that the former could have been called the slídrir-óst (scabbard mouth) and the latter might have been called the fetils-bendu.
The name for the scabbard chape, however, is without doubt the wonderfully evocative döggskór, meaning ‘dew-shoe’ presumably because this metal or bone fitting protected the bottom tip of the scabbard from the dew! It could also simply be called the sverð-skór, although I prefer to use this term for the scabbard drag.
Ornate chape-shoe |
As with the Anglo-Saxons, the sword was often symbolically confined in the scabbard by the so-called ‘peace-bands’ or frið-bönd. These were wound around the hilt and then the body of the sword-sheath. 'Spretta böndum' is the phrase meaning ‘to undo the peace-bands’.
The Viking sword-belt was called the sverð-fetill. This would have been equipped with a buckle; the fetils sylgja.
See also;